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Classical versus Object Oriented CRONE Toolbox
You can download the classical CRONE CSD Toolbox, the Object Oriented CRONE Toolbox, or both of them if you wish!
Welcome aboard CRONE airways.
Object oriented CRONE toolbox
The object oriented (OO) CRONE toolbox is dedicated to those of you who prefer working with Matlab scripts. Among enhacements of the OO-CRONE toolbox, is the overloading of basic operators (+, -, x, /, .x, display, …) and standard Matlab scripts (lsim, bode, nichols, …) for the new created classes.
Some system identification scripts are also provided such as (oe, svf, srivcf).
For the CRONE Control methodology, please refer to the classical CRONE Toolbox.
OO-CRONE toolbox (ver Beta 1) for Matlab 2007
Classical CRONE CSD Toolbox
The classical CRONE toolbox is dedicated to those of you who prefer working with a guided user interface (GUI) instead of Matlab scripts. The CRONE design of robust controller is proposed. Other existing modules (“Mathematical”, “System identification”, etc.) are not available today.
Please, be kind to send a message if you detect any incompatibility with new or earlier versions of Matlab.
Unzip the “Crone CSD toolbox” folder and add it (with its subfolders) within your Matlab path list. Then read the Control System Design User’s Guide (in the doc folder). Enjoy 😉