CRONE Toolbox
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes there are. The following modules have been developed in the classical CRONE toolbox:
– “Fractional calculus”,
– “Time-domain system identification by fractional models”,
– “Frequency-domain system identification by fractional models”,
– “Fractional path planning”.
We are doing our best to propose these additional modules.
If the user forum is available, you will be kindly asked to register with the same login. You will then be able to submit any suggestion or a bug report, … You can also contact us by sending and email to CRONE group members
Nope. The classical toolbox uses structures whereas the object oriented toolbox uses classes and objects. A “fractional transfer function” created as a structure in the classical toolbox cannot be used as is in the Object Oriented CRONE Toolbox and vice versa.
We are planning to develop a GUI for the Object Oriented version. But our priority right now is to eliminate all the bugs from the beta 1 version of the CRONE Toolbox.
There are two versions of the CRONE Toolbox, because we are currently migrating all scripts from the classical version to the object oriented version. The object oriented version is currently a Beta 1 version provided for testing purposes.
Yes it does.
Some scripts of the CRONE toolbox use Matlab Optimization toolbox scripts.
Some identification scripts use iddata objects of the Matlab Identification toolbox.
Multiple system identification scripts are developed in the object oriented CRONE toolbox, such as: oe, svf, srivcf. Check the options of these functions to estimate coefficients, differentiation orders, or both.
Yous can use also the GUI of the classical CRONE Toolbox.
The CRONE SISO methodology is available for the time being only in the classical toolbox as a graphical user interface.
It depends on what you want to do and on your degree of mastering of Matlab.
If you want to use standard Matlab scripts and apply standard Matlab operators on “fractional transfer functions”, then you should download the object oriented version of the toolbox.
If you want to to use a Graphical User Interface (GUI), then you should download the classical version of the Toolbox.